Grace Lutheran Church is a family of believers who gather together around God's Word and Sacraments to be strengthened in our faith for this life and the next. We gather as a family to support one another through life's joys and trials.
Please consider joining our family for worship on Sunday sometime.
What is a Lutheran?
Lutherans are Christians who believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God - that it contains NO errors, nor omissions concerning God's gracious saving plan for all of mankind.
Lutherans get their name from a man named Martin Luther who saw the abuses in the medieval church in regards to God's Word and sought to reform the doctrine of the church to come back to the true teachings of the Bible.
When do you worship?
We worship on Sundays at 10AM with Adult & Children's Sunday School following at 11:15AM. Throughout the year occasions are given for us to meet on other days to worship our Savior such as Christmas, midweek Lenten services, and Holy Week. You are most welcome to join us for those services as well!
Where are you at?
7000 Providence Road
Charlotte, NC 28226